Thermocouple Cables

Connect your precious devices to sensing or controlling setups with our offered range of Thermocouple Wires. These are capable to produce measurable electrical energy with different conductors. These are the wires that are used in a thermocouple from the point of detecting to the point of cold junction compensation (cjc end) where the indication is measured. These wires areemployed to mark the sensing point (or probe portion) of the thermocouple.The wires may be employed as the extension wires. Thermocouple Wiresinsure improved performance in high operating temperature surroundings. Also, Thermocouple Wiresensure color coded insulation as well as jacket materials for all identifications. These wiresmake a low voltage signal and should not be operated near motors, power wires etc. These also help to lessen noise pickup.
Product Image (T-401)

T-401 Thermocouple Wire

Price: 900.00 - 950.00 INR
  • Delivery Time:2-3 Days
Product Image (T-601)

T-601 Thermocouple Wire

Price: 900.00 - 950.00 INR
  • Delivery Time:2-3 Days
Product Image (T-801)

T-801 Thermocouple Wire

Price: 900.00 - 950.00 INR
  • Delivery Time:2-3 Days
Product Image (T-701)

T-701 Thermocouple Wire

Price: 900.00 - 950.00 INR
  • Delivery Time:2-3 Days

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